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sOcKRoCk?s 2 cents March14th

Posted in In My Head by Jack at 13:21, Mar 14 2006

IYH Fan sOcKRoCk with his comments on this week in Wrestling

Just to let all the readers know I get impact zone once a week on Damn G.B.?s Eurosport but at like 2 in the morning on a Thursdays. So TNA is kind of out for me. So being in the army having PT at 5 a.m. and work at 7 a.m. it?s hard to get enough sleep for that. But the DVDs keep me happy. So on to bigger and better things.

Last week in the WWE was well, in short Crap. I think I made my view well known on Vince?s ass so saying that: If we haven?t seen the old mans ass enough he sits there and shows us over and over and over again. And M & F with the old man on the cover no lie the man is a damn wall but Jesus please give me a chance not to see Vinnie Mac. OK with the whole Marty thing. Who knows what to believe? I liked OIB?s thinking ?I like pregnant Chicks?? that would have been wonderful. But the matches were ok with the capper of the night being Triple H fondling a sledge hammer while John Cena hitting the best FU on the Big Show. To me that was ?Match of the Night? Cena and Show selling the crap out of a Wrestle Mania Rewind Match???? Wow surprised the crap out of me. A couple other things on the raw show that pissed me off to no end is how they changed the Angle so quickly when there?s no Marty. Steph poising HBK and Vince and Shane coming out on top? Damn how lame can the WWE get before they see anyone above the age of 15 could see right through this. I think it?s funny personally. But sometimes I wish I could go back in time where I saw it as real and maybe it would be a little bit better. I guess for Saturday Night on NBC and Mania they are trying to make a big push for the PPV. Cross brand Money in the back? HELL YEA that was the only thing I was happy about this whole week. When Teddy came on RAW it made the show for me. Making this match cross brand makes the appeal so much greater. Because, Shelton as the money in the bank winner was pissing me off just a little. Also I?m really upset at the fact it looks like WWE is ending the Trish Stratus and Mickey James line. That psycho line was great! A crazy lesbian who isn?t that bad looking stalking one of the best WWE Divas out there? It mad me happy. Happy in a way that I don?t need to be talking about it with the age range of the IYH listeners? Who else thought the HHH vs. Kane match was crap? Come on guys Paul and Glen usually sell matches so much better than that. Also the run in made it that much more crappy. I like Carlito I think he should be a face rather than a heel but that?s just me. Smackdown was all in all better than Raw this week. The start of the show was a bitch session with Mark Henry that went something like ?I?m Fat I will not be forgotten!? or something like that I don?t pay that much attention to him in the first place. Who thinks JBL needs to be a Heavyweight title contender not doing a drinking contest with Stone Cold Saturday night?s Main Event? It would be nice to see a Stone Cold vs. JBL in a match at mania. But that?s if Austin can physically hold up in the ring. Stone Cold is looking quite jacked up as of late, not too bad for being out of the spotlight for a year or so. (Just a little side note I am a HUGE stone cold fan back in the day. So if it seems like I?m kissing his ass its because I am to a point. Hollywood Blondes baby!) But, watching Lashley and Fit Finley beat the living hell out of one another was a great way start off the night. The camera work on Lashley flipping the car was pretty well done. I wish it would have happened. But that?s just me. Pirate Paul Burchill that was a great entrance with the rope swing and the cheesy music they need some cannons going off that would make the package complete. Great match one of the best of the week. That finisher is going to kill him or someone else but it was cool as hell though. GO PIRATE PAUL!!!!! The top of the program was Krystal and Jillian in the Diva?s uncovered match (bra and panties). But hey I loved it. There is nothing better than two women in a fight trying to ripping the clothes off of one another. I can?t begin to state my disgust for the Animal heel angle so I won?t even go there. To wrap up this edition of 2 Cents I wanted to state my opinion on the WWE needing to revamp the way they push their superstars? The IYH crew has some great points and I totally agree with them on the fact that; there is so much talent in the rosters that they just Job out to fill out a lack luster program. That?s where I see TNA surpassing the WWE some day. It?s like where I?m from in NC. UNC Basketball with Dean Smith. There was depth and soo much talent that he could go deep in his bench and still get the job done. And that?s how the WWE should be. There are so many Main event caliber guys that have no chance because it not one of the ?Boys?. RVD, Kane, Super Crazy, Carlito and so many others who are better than a low to mid card wrestler that you don?t see a huge push for. When will they get back to the Russo days where every one had a part. I mean even Taka Michnoku who was thrown out like three times during one Royal Rumble match was great. Japanese dude landing on his head .25 seconds after entering the ring so much comedy. Well that put a close to this edition of sOcKRoCk?s 2 Cents Ill get back to y?all next week with another bitch session with the sOcK!


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